James Shalley has decades of experience handling Desk Appearance Tickets in New York City, Westchester, Nassau, and Putnam Counties.
James Shalley has decades of experience handling Desk Appearance Tickets in New York City, Westchester, Nassau, and Putnam Counties.
Desk Appearance Tickets
What you need to know.
If you have received a desk appearance ticket in New York, or if you have been told that you might receive a desk appearance ticket (or just “appearance ticket”), you probably have questions about what is going to happen to you and what it all means.
Read on in this site or call 347-612-9830 now to find the answers to many of those questions, provided by New York Criminal Defense lawyer James Shalley.
The 2020 New York criminal justice reforms make appearance tickets mandatory in most misdemeanor cases and even make some felonies mandatory appearance ticket situations. Therefore, the NYPD will be forced to issue appearance tickets in a great many less simple, less straightforward situations than they would have chosen to in the past. This means that many, many far more complicated cases, including felony cases, will also be starting with appearance tickets. Therefore, simply the fact that you were given an appearance ticket, is no longer a clue about the simplicity or lack of seriousness of the criminal case. Read more about Appearance Ticket reforms in 2020.
Here is more in-depth information about some of the most common charges from Desk Appearance Tickets. (Don't see what you are looking for? Contact Me)
You Got a DAT. Now What?
If you or someone you know has received a Desk Appearance Ticket, then many people, including the police officer who arrested you have likely been giving you advice. Read this popular article to help you separate the myths from the reality about your appearance ticket.
Queens Criminal Court did 39 misdemeanor jury trials in 2017, out of 51,651 cases.
Historic DAT Reforms in NY
Monumental Criminal Justice Reforms have arrived in New York, and there are several important changes to Desk Appearance Tickets, including a requirement that many more cases must proceed by way of Appearance Ticket.
Sometimes people who are visiting New York City end up in circumstances that result in a Desk Appearance Ticket. We have represented people from most every state in the US and from all over the world, including Australia, Central and South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. If this is you or someone you care about, you may be interested to know that there are alternatives in some cases. Sometimes, we can appear for you and sometimes, we can even resolve the matter in your absence. Read this article about the alternatives available for people from outside New York City who receive Desk Appearance Tickets.
Thank you very much for your direct and honest valuable advise throughout this ordeal. This was in stark contrast to the many other lawyers I had contacted initially, most of whom seem to take advantage of the fact that an individual may be vulnerable and may not do the research required to understand the process. Scaremongering seemed to be the norm; one lawyer was charging up to 15k in fees as he wanted me to know that a jail sentence may be a potential outcome!
Thank you very much. I sincerely appreciate your assistance..
— Email Anonymous to preserve attorney/client privilege. Used with permission.
The number one DAT charge in NYC for years was Criminal Possession of Marijuana.
No, the police don’t have to read you your rights when they arrest you.
Non-citizens who receive Desk Appearance Tickets can be fooled into believing that since the case starts with a “ticket” it can’t really be a problem for immigration purposes. This is not only wrong, but it is dangerous thinking. Read this article to learn about some of the increasing challenges facing non-citizens with Desk Appearance Tickets.
Meet James Shalley
James Shalley has more than 30 years experience handling criminal defense matters in New York City and surrounding counties. Find out more about James Shalley by clicking here.
Another Satisfied Desk Appearance Ticket Client (Email from November, 2019)
I can't tell you how much I appreciate the amazing legal work you did on my behalf and doing everything you could to help me win my case. As a licensed professional Nurse being charged with 3rd degree assault, I thought my life was over. You will never know the depth of my anguish and my utter feelings of helplessness. I was so overwhelmed, but when I reached out to you, you were compassionate and knowledgeable in your advice and recommendations, which calmed my nerves.
I am extremely satisfied with the representation and I wanted to thank you again so much for always being there for me and answering all of my questions, even though I probably asked the same questions over and over again, you still were very patient, professional, and understanding at the same time. It was just a horrible time in my life but you always understood that. I will always remember how kind you were and are. The day we won the case, I was overwhelmed when I heard the outcome of the court proceedings.
Thank you for protecting my interest and family heritage. I am so thankful for your service and professionalism. Thanks for prioritizing me as a client and doing everything in your power to help me win my case. I feel so indebted to you for your hard work.
— Email from Desk Appearance Ticket client. Client name is withheld in order to preserve attorney client privilege. Used with permission.
Read about general desk appearance ticket procedures or click on your specific county below for information about procedures where your case will actually heard.
The DA must now provide full discovery within 15 days of your first appearance.
As part of an oddly obsessive relentless misinformation campaign, NYPD officers routinely tell people they arrest and charge with crimes on Desk Appearance Tickets that they “don’t need a lawyer”, that their cases will “just be dismissed” and sometimes even that they “have not even been arrested”. Don’t get your legal advice from the person who arrests you. (And you were arrested.) Read more about NYPD misinformation and unauthorized practice of law.
Strangely, though you are being charged with a crime and sent to Criminal Court, you will hear people suggest that you don't need legal advice and that you should just sort of show up and expect that the best possible result will just happen to you. Take our DAT Quiz to help you decide whether hiring your own lawyer makes sense for you.
Under a 2017 law in New York, it is now possible to seal up to two older criminal convictions, including one felony conviction. As of October, 2019, 1,884 people have had criminal records sealed in New York State.
The conviction sealing process in New York involves a complex motion that must be made to the Court. This means that in order for you to have the best chance of success, you need a lawyer to help you. I filed some of the very first of these motions and have helped many people already seal their New York criminal convictions. I can help you too. Call or text me at 917-789-5063 right away to see if you qualify to seal your criminal conviction(s) under the new law.